Barangaroo botany
A vital element in restoring the six-hectare artificial headland at Barangaroo Reserve has been the planting of over 75,000 native trees, plants and shrubs.
A profoundly unique project, the design team were exacting in their research, selecting species largely indigenous to the headlands and ridge tops surrounding Sydney.
The result is the exemplary Barangaroo Reserve, a place for everyone to immerse themselves in the beauty of Sydney Harbour and the historically relevant and naturally beautiful native gardens that now personify this remarkable headland. Learn more.
Species | Common name |
Allocasurina littoralis | Black She-oak |
Angophora costata | Sydney Red Gum |
Backhousia myrtifolia | Grey myrtle |
Banksia intergrifolia | Coast Banksia |
Corymbia gummifera | Red Bloodwood |
Corymbia maculata | Spotted Gum |
Eucalyptus pilularis | Blackbutt |
Eucalyptus piperita | Sydney Peppermint |
Eucalyptus punctata | Grey Gum |
Eucalyptus saligna | Sydney Blue Gum |
Eucalyptus tereticornis | Forest Red Gum |
Ficus Macrophylla | Moreton Bay Fig |
Ficus rubiginosa | Port Jackson Fig |
Livistona australis | Cabbage Tree-palm |
Species | Common name |
Billardiera scandens | Hairy Apple Berry |
Belchnum nudum | Fishbone Water Fern |
Belchnum Patersonii | Strap Water Fern |
Carprobotus glaucescens | Pigface |
Cheilanthes austrotenuifolia | Rock Fern |
Cissus antarctica | Kangaroo Vine |
Cissus hypoglauca | Native Grape |
Clematis aristata | Old Man’s Beard |
Clematis glycinoides | Forest Clamatis |
Danthonia richardsonii | Wallaby Grass |
Davilla solida var. pyxidata | Hare’s-foot Fern |
Dianella caerulea | Paroo Lily |
Dianella revolute | Blueberry Lily |
Gleichenia microphylla | Scrambling Coral Fern |
Hardenbergia violacea | Purple Coral Pea |
Hibbertia scandens | Climbing Guinea Flower |
Isolepis nodosa | Golden guinea vine |
Kennedia rubicunda | Dusky Coral Pea |
Lomandra longifolia | Mat Rush |
Pandorea pandorana | Wonga Wonga Vine |
Sarcocornia quinqueflora | Samphire |
Tetragonia tetragonioides | New Zealand Spinach |
Species | Common name |
Acacia floribunda | White Sally Wattle |
Acacia longifolia | Sydney Golden Wattle |
Acacia myrtifolia | Red-stemmed Wattle |
Acacia terminalis | Sunshine Wattle |
Acacia ulicifolia | Prickly Moses |
Acmena smithii | Lilly Pilly |
Allocasuarina littoralis | Black She-oak |
Banksia marginata | Silver Banksia |
Banksia serrata | Old-man Banksia |
Banksia spinulosa | Hairpin Banksia |
Bauera rubioides | River Rose |
Beronia ledifolia | Showy Boronia |
Callicoma serratifolia | Black Wattle |
Callistemon cirtinus | Crimson Bottlebrush |
Callistemon linearis | Narrow-leaved Bottlebrush |
Ceratopetalum gummiferum | NSW Christmas-bush |
Correa alba | White Correa |
Correa reflexa | Common Correa |
Callitris rhomboidea | Port Jackson Pine |
Cyathea autralis | Black Tree-fern |
Dillwynia retorta | Heathy Parrot Pea |
Dodonaea triquetra | Large-leaf Hop-brush |
Doryanthes excelsa | Gymea Lily |
Elaeocarpus reticulatus | Blueberry Ash |
Eriostemon australasius (Philotheca myoporoides) |
Pink Wax Flower |
Glochidion ferdinandi | Cheese Tree |
Grevillea buxifolia | Grey Spider Flower |
Grevillea linearfolia | Linear-leaf Grevillea |
Grevillea sericea | Pink Spider Flower |
Hakea teretifolia | Needlebrush |
Hakea dactyloides | Finger Hakea |
Hibiscus tiliaceus | Cottonwood Hibiscus |
Isopogon anemonifolius | Broad-leaf Drumstick |
Lambertia Formosa | Mountain Devil |
Leptospermum juniperinum | Prickly Tea-tree |
Macrozamia communis | Burrawang |
Melaleuca hypericifolia | Hillock Bush |
Melaleuca nodosa | Prickly-leaved Paperbark |
Melaleuca quinquenervia | Broad-leaved paperbark |
Notelaea longifolia | Large Mock-olive |
Olearia tomentose | Toothed Daisy-bush |
Omalanthus populifolius | Native Bleeding Heart |
Persoonia levis | Broad-leaved Geebung |
Pittosporum undulatam | Native Daphne |
Waratah | Telopea speciosissima |
Tristaniopsis laurina | ‘Luscious' Water Gum |
Westringia fruticosa | Coastal Rosemary |
Xanthorrhoea media | Grass tree |