03 Jun 2024

Celebrating a half decade of carbon neutrality

Barangaroo continues its legacy as a carbon neutral leader.

Australia’s first mixed-use precinct certified as carbon neutral under Climate Active, Barangaroo has now successfully maintained this status for an impressive five consecutive years. 

This certification, granted by the Commonwealth Government through its Climate Active program, recognises businesses, governments, and communities for achievements in carbon emission reduction. 

Barangaroo's achievement of carbon neutrality reflects a collaborative effort among the NSW Government, Lendlease, Crown Sydney, and other key stakeholders in the Precinct. 

The precinct’s enduring dedication to sustainability and vision to be a Climate Positive precinct is evident through its continued delivery of sustainability outcomes, which includes a variety of sustainable economic, social, and environmental initiatives and an emphasis on reducing emissions. Initiatives include: 

  • Green Product Puchase Agreement (GPPA): a $48 million agreement with CleanPeak Energy, an Australian-owned and -operated renewable energy company, to supply Renewable Energy Certificates, or green products, to the Barangaroo Precinct for 25 years from 1 January 2025. Through building at least four solar farms in NSW, the GPPA ensures Barangaroo's electricity use (Scope 2 emissions) is offset with the highest quality renewable energy.  

  • On-site solar: Rooftop solar systems installed across Barangaroo to provide on-site renewable electricity to power the public domain and on-site wastewater recycling plant. 

  • Fly larvae farm: Food scraps from restaurants, commercial buildings and apartments are separated and fed to black soldier larvae in the basement of Barangaroo South. The farm is currently processing over 10 tonnes of food waste per month, turning it into nutrient-rich animal feed and fertiliser while also preventing over 20 tonnes of CO2 from food waste per month that would otherwise go to landfill.   

  • Partnerships across the Precinct: Sustainability and carbon neutrality commitments have been implemented in the Precinct in all development and ground leases through the various development agreements between the NSW government and our delivery partners. 

  • Charging stations: Crown Sydney has invested in 26 electric vehicle charging stations.  

  • Open space: From a social and community wellbeing perspective, Barangaroo remains committed to more than 50% of the Precinct being dedicated public open space. 

Barangaroo's half decade of Climate Active Carbon Neutral certification affirms its reputation as a global leader in sustainable and climate positive urban renewal, establishing a benchmark for the world’s leading urban developments. 


Climate Active is Australia’s collective initiative for climate action. Climate Active is a partnership between the Australian Government and Australian businesses and organisations to drive voluntary climate action. Climate Active certification is awarded to businesses and organisations that have achieved a state of carbon neutrality.

Carbon neutral means taking action to reduce and remove as much carbon from the atmosphere as we put into it. We have reduced our carbon emissions as much as possible and then invested in eligible Australian projects that reduce or remove emissions from the atmosphere. Overall, our emissions are zero. We are proud to say that our precinct was Australia’s first climate neutral precinct, certified by Climate Active. We have made choices and changes in the way we do business to ensure our carbon emissions are equal to zero.

Carbon offsetting is a way for organisations to cancel out carbon emissions they are not able to eliminate, by investing in projects that reduce or remove emissions. We invest in local projects that reduce or remove carbon from the atmosphere to offset the emissions that we cannot eliminate. Many of these projects also have additional environmental and social benefits.