South Coffee & Food
Eat & Drink

South Coffee & Food

International Towers Sydney, Tower 1/100 Barangaroo Ave, Barangaroo NSW 2000

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Opening Hours

6 am - 4.30pm Mon - Fri

Map, showing South Coffee & Food

If “where can I get one of the best coffees in Sydney” is the question, then South Coffee & Food is your answer.

As its name suggests, South Coffee & Food are passionate about two things: making the perfect brew and preparing delicious dishes. Step into International Tower One off Barangaroo Ave and get ready to sample exceptional flavours, whether you’re grabbing a coffee or sitting down for breakfast or lunch.

Artisanal, full-flavoured coffee blends

All it takes is a sip to see why ‘coffee’ comes first in this cafe’s name. Brew connoisseurs will feel right at home with the South Coffee & Food’s selection of blends from renowned roaster Dukes. Enjoy notes of maple syrup and fruit cake in their espresso blend; discover hints of honeycomb in the El Salvador La Fany offering.

For filter coffee fans, there’s kono, drip and iced filter options available – each of which are expertly crafted to bring out the bean’s distinct flavours.

Seasonal ingredients, seriously good breakfast and lunch dishes

South Coffee & Food take simple dishes to new heights. From daily specials to seasonal menu items, everything is crafted with fresh, high-quality ingredients. Sink your teeth into a breaky burger, ham and cheese croissant or coconut chia pudding for breakfast. And for lunch, you can’t go wrong with South Coffee & Food’s selection of sandwiches, baguettes, wraps, soups and salads.

Hosting a corporate function or event? South Coffee & Food also offer a crowd-pleasing catering menu.

