Ipoh Town
Eat & Drink

Ipoh Town

The Canteen, 200 Barangaroo Ave, Barangaroo

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Opening Hours

10.30am - 2.45pm, Mon - Fri

Map, showing Ipoh Town

Ipoh Town is a Barangaroo, Sydney Malaysian restaurant that brings the bamboo steamed, wok-fried flavours of Ipoh street food to Sydney

Taste the authentic flavours of Ipoh’s famous hawker centres right here in Sydney at Ipoh Town, a Malaysian restaurant.

Heard of Ipoh? This little city in Northwestern Malaysia is one of the best foodie spots in the entire country. They’re famous for their charming old town and thriving street food culture, serving dishes like laksa, char kway teow and mee goreng.

Ipoh Town brings that same rich culture and those delicious dishes to Barangaroo, with a little extra Sydney sizzle.

Authentic Malaysian restaurant

Barangaroo There’s no fusion dishes here - just real Malaysian food cooked as it is on the streets of Ipoh.

The extensive menu is split into entrees, stir fried, soup noodles, gravy noodles and rice, with authentic Malaysian drinks like fresh lemon and lime juice and kopi (a thick, strong freshly brewed, Malaysian coffee with condensed milk).

Highlights of the menu include a laksa bursting with fresh coconut, chilli and lemongrass flavours - and a nasi lemak with succulent slow cooked beef rendang (if you’ve never had it nasi lemak is Malaysia’s national dish - a medley of fragrant coconut rice, crispy anchovies, boiled eggs and peanuts).

Experience the cuisine of Ipoh Town

You could, (and probably should) book a flight to Malaysia to experience their incredible cuisine, in the meantime you can taste the real thing right here at Ipoh Town. Keen to try? There’s no bookings necessary, just show up and enjoy!
